General terms and conditions of the company

Eventura – Die Veranstaltungsprofis! GmbH

§1 Scope of application

For all contracts between the client and the company Eventura, die
Veranstaltungsprofis! GmbH, Am Pannofen 59, 47608 Geldern, (hereinafter referred to
as Eventura) represented by its managing director Stephan Hermsen, these “General
Terms and Conditions” apply exclusively. Conflicting terms and conditions of the client
are only effective if they are expressly recognized by Eventura in writing. Agreements
deviating from or supplementing these “General Terms and Conditions” must be made
in writing. Should individual provisions of these “General Terms and Conditions” be
invalid, this shall not affect the binding nature of the remaining provisions and the
contracts concluded on the basis thereof. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a
valid provision that comes as close as possible to the meaning and purpose of the invalid



All offers from Eventura are subject to change until a firm contract is concluded; a valid
rental contract is concluded with the written order confirmation from Eventura. The
conclusion of a rental contract and amendments to the rental contract must be made in
writing. Verbal collateral agreements are invalid. The content and scope of the rental
contract is determined by the written order confirmation. Offer documents, any errors in
sales brochures, price lists, offer documents, homepage or other documentation of
Eventura are legally irrelevant, corresponding liability towards customers does not result
from this. In particular, these documents are not to be understood as an offer in the
legal sense, but are non-binding and subject to change.


Unless otherwise agreed, Eventura's claim for payment for each individual service arises
as soon as it has been provided. Eventura reserves the right to charge an additional
deposit, which will be refunded upon proper return of the rental object. Invoices must
be paid within 10 days of receipt, unless otherwise stated on the invoice. In the event of
default, we are entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate of 8% p.a. above the
respective discount rate. Any costs incurred as a result of default, such as reminder fees,
legal costs, collection costs, etc., shall be borne in full by the customer.


Eventura is entitled to demand advance payments to cover expenses. Eventura is obliged
to use this money for the execution of the client's order in accordance with the
principles of a prudent businessman, taking into account the interests of the client. The
amounts required to carry out the event will be made available to Eventura by the client
within an agreed period of time.


If the client withdraws from an existing contract, Eventura is entitled - unless otherwise
agreed in writing - to charge the full amount of the costs demonstrably incurred.
However, in the event of withdrawal from rental and service contracts, the client shall
pay at least the following rates.
a) 20% of the net rental price plus the applicable statutory VAT up to 20 working days
before the start of the rental period
b) 50% of the net rental price plus the applicable statutory VAT up to 7 working days
before the start of the rental period
c) 70% of the net rental price plus the applicable statutory VAT up to 3 working days
before the start of the rental period
d) 90% of the net rental price plus the applicable statutory value-added tax if canceled
later than 3 working days before the start of the rental period
Partial cancellations will be charged pro rata.
Cancellations of third-party material will be charged with an additional handling fee of
15%. If the third-party material cannot be canceled free of charge for Eventura, the
actual costs incurred plus the 15% handling fee - but at least the above-mentioned
cancellation fees - will be charged.


Eventura excludes fee reductions due to saved expenses.


The customer is responsible for all fees, insurance, permits and taxes (e.g. GEMA,
entertainment tax, organizer's liability insurance, etc.).


Insofar as Eventura concludes contracts with third parties for the realization of an event,
such contracts are concluded in the name and with the authorization of the client. This
applies in particular to the rental of rooms, the conclusion of contracts in the catering
sector and the conclusion of contracts with artists & co.


Insofar as we sell goods, these goods remain the property of Eventura until all liabilities
of the customer to Eventura have been settled.


All services provided by Eventura (e.g. ideas, concepts for events, etc.) - including
individual parts thereof - remain the property of Eventura. By paying the fee, the client
only acquires the right to one-time use or for the agreed purpose. Unless otherwise
agreed with Eventura, the client may only use Eventura's services himself, exclusively in
Germany and only for the duration of the contract.


Eventura will inform the client immediately of any changes or deviations of individual
services from the agreed content of the contract that become necessary after conclusion
of the contract. Insofar as the agreed content of the contract is not or only
insignificantly affected by the changes, the client is not entitled to terminate the
contract due to these deviations. Eventura is entitled, in consultation with the client, to
change parts of the event schedule in deviation from the service description.


Delivery to and collection from the location specified by the client shall only take place
by written agreement and for a separate charge, unless otherwise contractually agreed.
The transportation costs can be requested from Eventura.
Eventura's transportation service always includes delivery to the first ground-level door,
provided that there is a direct and trouble-free route to the unloading and loading
location. If the transportation distance between the transport vehicle and the unloading
location exceeds 10 m, additional working hours of €24.50 per hour per employee will
be charged on a time and material basis in addition to the transportation costs.
Transport routes must be such that goods on wheels can be moved by one person
without any barriers, damage or disruption. If this is not the case, the additional effort
will be charged separately at €24.50 per hour per employee on a time and material
basis. Access must be guaranteed for a truck (width 3.00 m height 4.00 m length 20.00
m weight 40 t). If this is not the case, the customer must inform Eventura of this in
writing 48 hours before delivery. If Eventura does not receive this information and a
further journey is necessary, the client shall bear the costs for the additional effort.
Waiting times for which Eventura is not responsible will be charged to the client at
€24.50 per hour per employee. If goods cannot be delivered as agreed due to
transportation routes, the client must pay the agreed rent in full.


Assembly and dismantling as well as distribution and collection of the rental items are
not included in our offer, unless otherwise agreed. We are happy to provide these
services for a separate charge.


Illustrations in catalogs, brochures, mailings, Internet pages and multimedia
presentations on CD/DVD may deviate from reality. This applies in particular to color
differences, which cannot always be completely ruled out.


All content and designs are protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use, in particular
by reprinting or copying, will be prosecuted. The use of the content or excerpts thereof
for commercial, private or other purposes is prohibited. No liability is accepted and no
compensation paid for typesetting and formal errors of an editorial or technical nature.


Eventura employees must be provided with a filling, balanced meal as well as nonalcoholic drinks and coffee from 6 working hours during set-up and dismantling. For 12
working hours, 2 meals must be provided. Employees who supervise an event are
generally included in the event catering, unless separate crew catering is provided.
Access to WC facilities must be ensured by the customer at all times during set-up and
dismantling work.


The place of jurisdiction and place of performance is the court in whose district Eventura
has its registered office.

§3 Rental material


Eventura is obliged to deliver ordered rental goods of average type and quality. Eventura
is entitled to replace ordered rental goods with equivalent or better rental goods if
Eventura - for whatever reason - is unable to deliver the ordered rental goods.


All information about rental objects contained in brochures, directories or documents of
any kind, insofar as they relate to technical performance, operating characteristics or
usability, are non-binding unless the individual details have been confirmed in writing by
Eventura. Eventura is not responsible for the accuracy of the manufacturer's


Renting and passing on the rental object to third parties and/or transporting and
operating the rental object outside of the Federal Republic of Germany is prohibited
without the written permission of Eventura. The customer is fully liable for all
consequential damages resulting from non-compliance with this requirement.


The rental period begins on the day on which the rental item is handed over to the
customer and ends on the date specified as the return date. If this date is exceeded, we
reserve the right to charge cancellation costs in the amount of the daily rental price and,
if necessary, to liquidate any damage exceeding this amount. Reference is made to §
546a BGB. If we are forced to send reminders for the return of rental items, we have the
right to charge a reminder fee of €10 per reminder from the first reminder. Unless
otherwise agreed in writing, the prices in the current price list do not include the
applicable statutory VAT and are valid for rental periods of up to three calendar days or
a weekend.


The customer is obliged to inform the lessor in detail about the intended purpose of use.
The customer is obliged to ensure that the rented item and accessories are in perfect
condition, function correctly and are complete upon acceptance or before
commissioning. In any case, the customer is obliged to fully test the equipment before
the intended commissioning. Acceptance of the rental item shall be deemed
confirmation that it is in perfect condition and suitable for use in accordance with the
contract. If and insofar as the rental item requires special handling (e.g. in accordance
with the operating instructions or similar), the customer undertakes to have the rental
item operated exclusively by persons who can ensure proper use of the rental item.


The client is liable for any damage to or loss of the rented property from the time of
receipt of the rented property until its return, regardless of whether the damage or loss
was caused by the client himself or a third party. The client assigns any claims for
damages against third parties to Eventura upon request. All rental items are generally
not insured. The client is fully liable for the replacement value of rental items for all
damage and losses as well as any loss of rental income, even if the damage was not
caused by the client itself but, for example, by its guests, staff, unknown third parties or
by force majeure. The Rental Firm accepts no liability for transport damage and damage
incurred on site, in particular due to improper handling of the rental item by the
Customer. Repairs by the customer are not permitted. Liability for a rental item shall
commence as soon as the rental item has arrived at the specified delivery location at the
agreed time and has been unloaded or the goods have been collected and loaded - even
if the customer is not on site or the takeover is carried out by vicarious agents. Rental
items are deemed to have been returned properly as soon as they have been counted,
cleaned and checked on Eventura's premises and there are no complaints. Eventura is
obliged to inform the client of any damage or loss within 14 days of the return of a
rental item.


The customer must immediately report in writing any damage that makes further and
immediate use of the rental item difficult or impossible. Transport damage as well as any
other possible damage, such as scratches on the equipment, must be reported to the
Lessor upon return.


We accept no liability for any failures. The customer must ensure a sufficient and VDEcompliant power supply. If this is not ensured, we reserve the right to terminate the
rental contract and not to hand over or put into operation the equipment listed therein.
In such a case, the rental fee will be charged in full.


The customer undertakes to return the rental item in the condition in which it was
received. For defective equipment returned, we will charge the repair costs or the
replacement value if repair is impossible or disproportionate. We reserve the right to
charge the current value for defective incandescent bulbs. In the case of dirty rental
items, we will charge for cleaning on a time and material basis unless otherwise agreed.

§3.10 TENTS

The prices quoted for tents include assembly and dismantling, with the exception of
quick-assembly tents, e.g. the Tento, Mastertent, Atento etc. series. A maximum level
adjustment of 15 cm is included with the tent. Any leveling beyond this will be charged
separately. When erecting tents, the customer must ensure that the site for anchoring
the tents is free of any lines (electricity, gas, water, district heating, waste water, data
and telephone lines) up to a depth of 1 m. If this is not the case, the customer must
provide a suitable site. If this is not the case, the relevant cable route must be precisely
marked before the start of assembly. The installation site must be free of hidden
explosive ordnance. Eventura is not liable for any damage to the ground caused during
assembly and dismantling, during the stand time or by the vehicles. The customer is fully
liable for damage to tents caused by storms, thunderstorms or force majeure, vandalism
and other causes to the amount of the replacement value of the rental object.
Furthermore, the client is also fully liable for any resulting rental losses.

§4 Liability & Compensation


Eventura is not liable for gross negligence on the part of its vicarious agents and


The client is not entitled to compensation or reduction if he does not comply with
promises made by him (e.g. provision of auxiliary staff, parking spaces, power supply,
access roads, etc.) or other obligations incumbent on him and thus makes fulfillment of
the contract by Eventura only possible or completely impossible due to additional
expenses or delays.


Even when renting equipment together with our personnel, the customer must ensure
under all circumstances that everything possible under the circumstances is undertaken
by him or by persons authorized by him to avoid damage to or loss of the equipment.
The liability conditions from § 3.6 also apply here. Our personnel are only liable from an
operational point of view.


The client must assert and substantiate any complaints in writing immediately after
performance by Eventura. In the event of justified and timely complaints, the client is
entitled to compensation. The contracting parties agree that the amount of any claim
for damages against Eventura - regardless of the legal grounds - is limited to the agreed
rent or fee for the defective item. Compensation for damages is only possible if Eventura
is given the opportunity to remedy the defect.


Eventura's liability is governed exclusively by the written agreements between the
parties. All claims not expressly conceded herein, including claims for damages -
regardless of the legal grounds - are excluded, unless they are based on an intentional
or grossly negligent breach of contract by Eventura.


We cannot be held liable for damage caused by our equipment if this is due to improper


Eventura accepts no liability for any damage caused during loading or unloading at
Eventura's premises. The client bears the risk of damage if he uses the help of Eventura's
employees and vicarious agents when loading and unloading his own vehicle. He also
assumes liability for improper loading of his own vehicle. Eventura is entitled to refuse to
hand over goods if a customer cannot guarantee proper transportation with their own
vehicle. This does not give rise to a claim for damages or a reduction in the rental price
of the rented item.
With the publication of these GTCs, all previous versions lose their validity. German law
applies to contracts concluded with Eventura.

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